Ondřej Lieser on Gecko Tour

Ondřej Lieser on Gecko Tour

Three Czech PGA Tour participants reached the possiblity to play at Gecko PRO Tour in Andalusia, Spain. Only Ondřej Lieser of Liberec decided to use this occasion. During his short return to Czech republic Mr. Lieser gave us an interview.


Č1: Ondrej, do you have any experience with Gecko PRO Tour?

L: I like Gecko Tour! I play at Gecko for several time, I usually want to play there half of winter as a minimum. Gecko Tour improves very much during past time, including the care for players and the choice of Courses. The best is lifescoring directly on the Course - very important for players and for spectators as well. Improving the Tour means also improving the competition. There are very good players from all Europe - players from UK (Euro PRO Tour) can be seen here, as well as Spanish participants of top senior Tours.

The big advantage is, that Courses are not only top ones, but also they are not far. I always have to drive 1 hour as a maximum. The fartherst trip for me is to get to Baviera / Aňoreta, but these courses are not that far for me.


Č1: And what about the weather? Isn't there a bit cold?

L: Sometimes it is on the edge.  I surveyed that the change comes at mid-January, when cold wind usually starts to blow. Sometimes I face 4 degress on 1st tee, which is too low for me. But later usually sun comes and during the day the temperature reaches 15 and that is fine.


If I decided strictly according to the weather, I'd rather go to Florida, but I did not find comparable Tour there. So good and so pleasant. That's why I play Gecko every winter.


Č1: That model apparently suits you. Would you recommend it to others?

L:Definitely! Winter season in Czech republic is too long. If golfer faces such long interruption, his game must be influenced with. You never can do the same at indoors. During spring part of Gecko normally plays here 6 - 8 Czech golfers and this number is to grow in future. It is close to Czech republic (I personally drove my car - merely 30 hours) and it is still Europe with all its advantages...


 Č1: Last question - what about next winter? Are you about to come again?

L: It is hard to answer. It depends on Q-School. If i play it according to my ideas, I might play "the right" Tour next year (laugh). This year I want to finish all the "spring" part of Gecko and try to get to the Finals (with better money), then there is commong swing of Gecko and Czech PGA Tour in April in Czech republic. I intend to play Czech PGA Tour during the summer and then comes Q-School. The next winter will have to be solved just after Q-School.


Č1: So - Good Luck!

Photo: The Gecko PRO Tour facebook

General partner



1. KOŘÍNEK6666
T2. LIESER. O6868
T2. WINKLER. F6868
4. TINTĚRA. L7171
T6. ZIEMER. M7373
oaza-distribuce II TROPHY BY ATOMIC DRINKS Results

Order of Merit

Czech PGA Tour 2018

1. KOŘÍNEK. A30 000
2. LIESER. O12 500
3. WINKLER. F12 500
4. TINTĚRA. L7 000
5. MUTHREICH. M7 000
6. GRUBER. R5 000
7. VELENSKÝ. V5 000
Tour 2018
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